Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Little Help From My Friends

(Geoff writes) When I got to the hospital this morning our neighbors Eddie and Cindy were there, Eddie with guitar in tow. He played his favorite Beatles song and a few instrumentals and Susan loved it. He also played here yesterday to a larger crowd, minus me. I was taking advantage of the sunshine (remember that?) painting a room at home.

She had visitors most of yesterday and by late afternoon she was junk.

This afternoon we had a discussion with hospital staff and each other about the near future. The doctors have suspended chemotherapy because it will not serve her needs while the infection is still present. That is a Catch-22 because the antibiotics can only control the infection, not eliminate it. Susan refuses to go to a "facility", preferring to go home. I don't blame her one bit. So what does that mean for us?

Fortunately we have a place for a hospital bed on the first floor and proximity to a bathroom with a shower should we need it. If we opt for hospice they will only administer drugs that keep her pain free but their services are fairly extensive. They provide bed, equipment, and nurses, though not 24/7. That's me and my army of volunteers!

So none of that will happen over this weekend because...Chritianity. Then there's April Fool's Day, voting day in Fairhaven (really!), and the eclipse, during which, if this weather continues, it will rain.

As Susan says,

Love you all. Take care of each other.

1 comment:

  1. Two volunteers ready to go when needed! The goal is home!
    Love you two J and P
