Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Plan

Good morning all.  I'm back among the quasi-living.  Thought I would get this out while I have the strength.

We finally made it to Dana Farber yesterday.  Traffic was horrific and I was terribly nauseous from these lovely antibiotics.  But we got there.  Met with Dr. Wolpin and his associates.  So here is the plan moving forward.

I cannot start treatment until my liver numbers come down and my body gets a bit stronger.  Hoping two weeks.  Since the first round of chemo is pretty generic, I will be able to go to the Southcoast Cancer Clinic in Fairhaven once every two weeks.  It takes about 8 weeks to see if the chemo is actually working.  If not, back to the beginning for another 8 weeks.  If it is working and the tumors are shrinking, there is a chance of removing my sidekick.  Clinical trials don't come into play until nothing works.

While we were there, I also got genetically tested.  There is a 1% chance that if you do have a mutant gene they may be able to match it with the exact treatment and blow the mother away -- then you've caught the brass ring!!  Small little miracle there - but what the hell.

We got home with no traffic and I immediately proceeded to sleep for the rest of the day.  I have to say that if I have to be stuck somewhere at least I have a great view.  Very appreciative of that.

Again, thank you everyone for all the love pouring in -- it reminds me that I am still here.

Next appointment is with the Fairhaven oncologist Feb 13.

Love you all.  Take care of each other -s

1 comment:

  1. Good to have one of the world's best cancer hospitals right up the road (despite the traffic). And really good to have a plan, something to look ahead to.
    And even better to recuperate at home, even if you didn't have the best view of anyone I know! If you're ever having a really low energy day you can move from the bed, to the couch by the TV, and your excelleny man servant will surely bring you your meals! There's something else to be thankful for, your supportive, loving husband Geoff. We all love you too Geoff ❤️
