Saturday, February 10, 2024

Good Days, Bad Days

Yesterday was a bad day, unfortunately.  I think a lot has to do with the antibiotics making me sick both coming and going -- if you know what I mean.

Paula and J dropped by to drop off some of Paula's Italian penicillin soup for me and hot and sour for Geoff.  The visit had to be upstairs since I was too exhausted to come down.  So as much as I would love to  see all who want to come, please write or call first to check on what condition my condition is in.  I don't mind entertaining in my boudoir, but I'm sure some find the spiral staircase a challenge.

One other thing I left out last time that has been on my mind.  When I went into St. Luke's for that first one day procedure and came out 2 weeks later, I started wondering if I should have gone to Boston. I mean what did these people do to me that I come out with an attachment.  However, without being asked,  the doc at DF brought up the fact that whoever took care of me did an excellent job.  My body was in a very serious condition and they did all the right stuff. Doesn't make me like the bag any better but at least I'm still here.

I have just taken my last does of the bloody antibiotics.  Here's to better days and hoping this will be one of them.

Love you all.  Take care of each other -s


  1. Ugghh! Hope all settles down now that the antibiotics are finished! ❤️ JP

  2. Good to read the unsolicited, positive comment from the DF doc, and that the antibiotic regimen has ended. Hoping for the start of a long stretch of good days; love to you both 💕
