Monday, February 26, 2024


 (Geoff writes) This past week we got Sued, as you may have read in the last post. Sue Sullivan made soup and Saturday Suzie made us a soup for lunch. Now we have soup for days! I'm going to get very lazy in the kitchen if this keeps up.

Saturday the pain started. Susan thought it was gas and I was hoping that was all it was, but it persisted through Sunday, and now Monday morning. It kept her from eating much, or enjoying anything. When there's pain in your gut it takes away your concentration on anything else. I read about all the side effects of the medications and tests Susan has been exposed to lately and there were some very scary scenarios. Thankfully her team thinks it IS gas and blockage. So she needs something to ease the pain and lubricate her insides, if you know what I mean. Another trip to the pharmacy. They know me by name now.

Hopefully all these meds will play nice together and make her feel better, which is why Susan has been in bed and hasn't posted for a couple days.

Love you all.  Take care of each other -s


  1. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear! Pain is awful. I hope that the medicine works fast to help her today. Sending hugs and love, xoxo Deidre

  2. Oh wow Geoff!! Sending much love and good vibes! Hope the team can manage Susan’s pain, sooner than later! So glad I sued youπŸ˜‰πŸ’

  3. Hope she gets some relief soon. Sending all the love.

  4. Hope you get lubed and relieved quickly ❤️

  5. Hope things improve quickly!! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜˜
    Maureen and Bob

  6. Wishing things move forward soon and your pain will subside. Love you guys! Keep upbeat and am looking forward to the blog.πŸ’•

  7. Not sure why it’s saying anonymous, it’s Joan HB.

  8. Just reading emails today and am hoping and praying that something has been found to reduce the pain! Sending hugs and prayers, Corinne and Jim

  9. Sending much love! Dave ✌️✌️

  10. So sorry to hear about your pain and hoping for a better day today! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»for you both ❤️

  11. So sorry to read that sad news. Sure hope Susan's medical team has come up with a plan that proves to be quickly effective and has her soon able to enjoy some of the Sued soup bounty. Thoughts, prayers, and love for you both.

  12. Thank you for the update Geoff. Hope pain stabilizes. What a journey you guys have encountered. Sending love and good vibes. Having a hard time publishing my comments. Probably doing something wrong. XOX
