Saturday, July 6, 2024


 (Geoff writes) It has been four months since Susan left us, though much of her is still here in spirit. July 4th would have been our 18th wedding anniversary and a small crowd gathered to celebrate her life and remember her in stories and even song. Way too much food suddenly appeared seemingly out of thin air. It was a party that Susan would have enjoyed. Friends from work, present and former neighbors, family from here to Alaska, and many who could not be here sent messages.

To be truthful, there was some choking up and tears were shed when people spoke about Susan. But nobody sat in gloomy silence. It was nothing like a dour funeral. I looked around at the people Susan had brought together and felt so very proud to be part of this. I'm getting messages thanking me for throwing such a great party. I think that's backwards. I need to thank THEM for being such a great party. Many left taking a piece of Susan with them to scatter around the world she so loved to travel.

After the fireworks had ended, my family and friends stayed to help me restore order and sweep the sand out of, well, everywhere, all the while I was thinking that Susan would have commandeered the cleanup even as the party was still underway.

Two days later. I. Am. Probably. Exhausted. In a good way though. It was definitely all worth it. And I'm still finding that stray fork or spoon in the sand, the napkin that blew out of someone's lap, and the shrimp tail that didn't quite make it to the trash.

Today there is a fog crouching over the water. A lingering reminder of our wedding day, which I never thought I'd be nostalgic about. But here I am. Now I've gone and done it!


Oh, and would the person who left the gold, insulated purse containing a bag of dry salted edamame please come and get it before I eat them myself !?

Love you all. Take care of each other.


  1. Hey Geoff!
    Sorry, the wine purse with edamames is mine!!

  2. Geoff, I thought yesterday was perfect.You thought of everything Stay well and I’m always here if you ever need. Lucy

  3. A day to remember ❤️Deidre, Danny, Evan & Mia

  4. Well said Saint. Thanks 4 your post.

  5. Thanks for doing the party, and this post. It was amazing...
    And now you're stuck with me, Johndavid, Sadie and sooooo many others who are not actually related to you but, because of your singularly spectacular wife, are forever your family too. Much love ❤️

  6. It was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. We were honored to be part of it.

  7. Such a beautiful ceremony, such wonderful people. What an honor to help celebrate such a funny, sweet, brash, deeply loving ball of life & zest & joy. My heart is with you, brother, Dave K

  8. Really enjoyed July 4th at Geoff & Susan’s amazing home, which they curated together.
    A lovely ceremony & celebration in honor of our gal, Susan.
    Thanks so much, Geoff.

  9. That was me, Joan, not anonymous!

  10. It was such a special day …. Never to be forgotten! It was wonderful to meet some of your family, Geoff. I’ve heard the names but finally got the opportunity to put a face to them. The deck and surrounding areas inside and out were filled with love and respect for Susan and for you! You have handled this almost unimaginable few months with kindness, love and grace. Pleas know that we’re here for you if and when you need/want us to walk some of this journey with you. Big hugs and thanks ….Jen & Frank

  11. we'll always remember the day, it was a great time. Love, Liam, Ilana, Tali & Ethan
